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Computer Science in
Engineering & Science

International University Bremen

Operating Systems
& Networks

(Fundamental Computer Science II, 320-202)

<empty space> Schedule
<empty space> Contents
(incl. slides)
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<empty space> Assignments 
<empty space> Examination  
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<empty space> References
<empty space> Sources
<empty space> Syllabus

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Control questions:

Most of the control questions are of the same nature than the actual exam questions, some of them are obviously not. The collection is supposed to stimulate reflections on the material and give you feedback about whether you really understood kernel ideas. If many of the questions here seem hopelessly irritating for you: go, see me right away.

Detailled infos

Time frame


full set of control questions
check them out before the exams!
often there are no unique solution, but you may want to discuss some of your solutions with me.

© International University Bremen
Engineering & Science
Sunday, 16 March 2003Holger Kenn & Uwe R. Zimmer

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